
Some of our Software and Security products

HARATI is the provider of most complete, open and integrated business software and security devices.

Our success in all the domains is directly related to our insightful understanding of the new age business environments. We provide high-quality services, covering small and medium to enterprise scale organizations. HARATI has developed several software solutions based on worlds famous RDBMS/ tools on most used operating platforms. We can assure to our customers that our software products are highly reliable and secured that a corporate can comfortably rely on.

HARATI believes security should be managed in a holistic and connected way. Our Connected Security devices gives you the power to solve your security and compliance challenges today, while management of data keeping software pro-active you one step ahead of tomorrow’s threats.

Digital Payment System Payment Getway
Digital Payment System Payment Getway PBO is a payment gateway for buying and selling products and services.. Details
sAttend.com Student Attendance System
sAttend.com Student Attendance System sAttend is a web application that is designed to simplify the school attendance keeping system. Details
Tender System Online Tender System
Tender System Online Tender System Tender System is an electronic tendering system that helps manage tenders through website. Details
HRMSuite.com Enterprise HR Management System
HRMSuite.com Enterprise HR Management System HRMSuite is an integrated HR Management System that systematizes the overall employee management. Details
WebAndDesigning HARATI Web Services
WebAndDesigning WebAndDesigning offers you loads and loads of services such as Hosting, Design, E-Commercing and many more Details
Acct Business Suite Accounting Software
Acct2k Accounting Software Acct Business Suite is accounting and financial management software that helps to manage entire financial operations and to keep accounts. Details
HARATI POS Billing and POS System
HARATI POS Billing and POS System HARATI POS system is especially designed for different stores and other retailers to process sales and inventory management. Details
HARATI Product Distributor Supply Chain Management System
HARATI Product Distributor Supply Chain Management System HARATI Product Distributor is a system that helps keep record of product distribution. Details
Biometrics / RFID System HARATI security product
Biometrics / RFID System It is the technology that measure and analyze human physical and behavioral characteristic for authentication purposes. Details
Access Control System HARATI security product
Access Control System The Access Control System assure the security of a room/ office or building by means of limiting the access to the specific people and by keeping records of such access. Details
Burglar Alarm System HARATI security product
Burglar Alarm System Burglar Alarm is an intrusion alarm that functions when it detects the presence of intruders, fire, smoke or gas. There are several Zoners/ Time that can be defined in the system Details
Digital Lock HARATI security product
Digital Lock With cutting edge technology, Digital lock, works by recognizing fingerprints which can register hundreds of fingerprints acts as a biometric digital door lock. Details